Temporary Works

Wilde’s experienced engineers can offer specialist design, checking and construction advice for temporary works solutions for rail, civil engineering and building projects.

Wilde has extensive temporary works design experience in the following:
Network Rail/Highways England

Wilde has extensive experience of designing Under Track Crossings (UTX) in accordance with Network Rail and Highways England approved Codes of Practice. This modern method of installing underground pipes, ducting etc allows a faster, safer construction system which reduces rail/road possession times.


Wilde have significant experience of carrying out temporary works designs on behalf of Contractors.We often support contractors with Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) to ensure that there is a clear understanding of temporary works at an early stage of a project so that a robust, safe and value for money solution is selected.This improves the planning and management of projects from the very start.

CAT 3 design Check

Wilde undertake CAT 3 design checks to independently verify high risk temporary works projects.

See Case Studies