
Project Sustainability

As a civil, rail, transportation, and structural engineering consultancy we aim to create infrastructure and building projects that are sustainable during their creation, decommissioning and disposal. Each office and business unit has a dedicated carbon champion who have been tasked to ensure that our designs eliminate carbon. All staff are actively encouraged to join the company Carbon Reduction Committee which meets at least every quarter to discuss best practice to achieve our goals of achieving Net Zero. We use carbon calculators as part of our decision-making processes when specifying materials.

Active Travel

The reliance on private cars for transport contributes to climate change, congestion and poor air quality
We have been delivering active travel schemes since 2005.

We have designed thousands of kilometres of cycle lanes and new bridges to make walking and cycling the natural choice for as many short trips as possible

Land Use

We seek to avoid unnecessary development on valuable greenfield sites. We work with property developers and local authorities to build on large, complex and derelict brownfield sites.

Re-use and Refurbishment

The construction industry needs to use 33% less concrete and steel. This is why we re-use and re-purpose building as a priority over demolition.

Wilde Consulting Engineers working in collaboration with ECD Architects were awarded the SHIFT Awards ‘Best Large Scale Retrofit Project’ category for the Wilmcote House retrofit project. The SHIFT Awards recognise outstanding sustainability projects and achievements that have made an impact in the housing sector.

SHIFT is the sustainability standard for the housing sector. Provided by Sustainable Homes, recognised by the HCA and backed by Government, it is an independent assessment and accreditation scheme that demonstrates organisations are delivering against challenging environmental targets

Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS)

Wilde Consultants were one of the first engineering consultants in the UK to design and specify green roofs completely covered with vegetation and a growing medium (also known as living roofs) for rainwater harvesting. In addition to reducing downstream flood risks Green Roofs can provide important microclimates for insects, bird life and other even rare species.

See Featured Case Studies