Radcliffe Town Centre

Streets For All Consultation


We are developing proposals to improve the street environment in and around Radcliffe town centre to provide inclusive travel options for everyone and to complement other town centre regeneration
projects, including Radcliffe Hub. These proposals aim to:

  • Improve connectivity and safety for people who are walking, wheeling and cycling to local facilities.
  • Create attractive, high quality public spaces accessible to all people.
  • Create the right street environment to encourage active forms of travel for shorter journeys.
  • Improve access to public transport.
  • Enable less reliance on cars and other vehicles for localised journeys.

The Radcliffe Town Centre Scheme has been split into phases that will enable development of proposals to improve facilities for walking, wheeling and cycling and encourage the use of public transport.

Radcliffe Town Centre - Phase 1 Proposal

Walking, wheeling and cycling improvements are proposed on the following roads:

  • Spring Lane
  • Darbyshire Street
  • Blackburn Street
  • Deansgate
  • Church Street West
  • Water Street
  • Green Street
  • Whittaker Street
  • Hampson Street

Spring Lane

Connects the town centre via Darbyshire Street to the Metrolink stop, the Banana Path, the canal and the new school.

Blackburn Street

Improving Radcliffe’s ‘high street’ for walking, wheeling and cycling whilst maintaining parking and access for motor vehicles.

Church Street West

Church Street West is the main route for pedestrians between the Metrolink stop and the town centre.

Water Street

The canal towpath is severed by Water Street, which has 4 lanes of traffic, is busy and very difficult to cross.

Have Your Say

Public events have been arranged where the proposals will be on display and where members of the public will be able to talk to the team about the scheme, the events take place on:

– Tuesday 10th September 2024 – 11:30AM – 4PM – Radcliffe Library, Stand Lane
– Thursday 19th September 2024 – 2PM – 6:30PM –  Radcliffe Library, Stand Lane

During these events, you will be able to view the proposed improvements, speak to members involved in the project and submit feedback.