Framework Contracts

Wilde Consulting Engineers has a long established reputation for delivering professional engineering services to local authorities and the public sector. Strong working relationships have been built with many local authorities since the early nineteen-nineties based upon mutual respect, trust and integrity.

We currently have professional engineering service framework contracts with the organisations shown below. As part of the framework contracts, consultancy packages of work are undertaken or experienced staff are seconded to work alongside the authorities’ “in-house” staff.

Network Rail LNW Various Design Services

Wilde has held two successive Term Commissions with Network Rail since 2014, delivering specialist engineering consultancy services.

Property Services Consultancy Framework

Provision of structural and civil engineering services since 2014.

Construction Related Consultancy Framework

Provision of structural and Light Civil services since 2008.

Property Services Consultancy Framework

Provision of structural and civil engineering services since 2014.

Professional Engineering Services Framework Contract

Provision of building structures, highways, highway structures and traffic & transportation professional engineering services since 2008.

Professional Engineering Services Framework Contract

Provision of building structures, highways, highway structures and traffic & transportation professional engineering services since 2008.

Consultants Framework Contract. Structural and Civil Engineer

Provision of structural and civil engineering services since 2016.

Framework Agreement for Structural and Civil Engineering Services

Provision of structural and civil engineering services since 2016.

Architectural and Construction Related Services

Provision of building structures and drainage engineering services since 2014.

Property Related Consultancy Services Framework

Provision of structural and civil engineering services since 2014.

Professional Engineering Services Framework Contract

Provision of building structures, highways, highway structures and traffic & transportation professional engineering services since 2008.

Professional Engineering Services Framework Contract

Provision of building structures, highways, highway structures and traffic & transportation professional engineering services since 2008.

Framework Agreement Relating to Transport Professional Services

Provision of Traffic engineering, Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering and Transport-related civil and structural engineering since 2016.

Professional Engineering Services Framework Contract

Providing highways, civil, structural and drainage professional services to East Hampshire District Council and the Five Councils Partnership since 2019.

Professional Engineering Services Consultancy Framework

Provision of design services for highways, structures, traffic and transportation, bridges and drainage and flood risk management. The framework contract can also be used by other named Merseyside Authorities.

Professional Engineering Services Consultancy Framework

Provision of civil, traffic and transportation and structural engineering design services and can also be used by other public bodies within Kent and surrounding areas.

DPS for the Commissioning of Construction Consultancy Services

Provision of Highways, Bridges & Highway Structures, Drainage, Structural Engineering and Project Management services since 2020.

Construction Related Consultancy DPS

Provision of Civil and Structural Engineering services since 2021.

Places for People Consultants DPS

Professional Services Framework

Provision of structural and civil engineering services.

Professional Services Framework

Provision of structural engineering services

Framework Agreement for Highway Structures Inspections and Reporting

Provision of structural and civil engineering services.

Construction Consultancy Infrastructure Framework

Provision of, Civil Engineering, Highway and Transport engineering services since 2016.

Professional Services in the Built Environment

Provision of civil, highway and structural engineering services.

Framework – Professional Services Agreement

Provision of highway engineering design services.

Consultants Framework

Provision of structural engineering services.

Consultants Framework

Provision of structural engineering services.

Consultants Framework

Provision of structural engineering services.

Consultants Framework

Provision of structural engineering services.

Multi party Framework Agreement

Provision of civil and structural engineering services.

Professional Engineering Services Framework

Provision of building structures, highways, highway structures and traffic & transportation professional engineering services .

Construction Consultancy Services

Provision of structural engineering services.

Construction Professional Services DPS

Provision of Construction, Technical, Professional and Advisory services since March 2022.

Professional Services Framework Contract

Provision of Civil and Structural Engineering Highway Services since May 2022.

Consultants Framework Contract

Provision of Civil Engineering Services.

Professional Services Framework Contract

Provision of Civil and Structural Engineering Services for Construction.

Consultancy Services Framework

Highways, Traffic and Transport services since 2021.

Engineering Consultancy Services Framework

Provision of Structural Site Surveys and Condition Reports since 2021.

Project Management and Associated Services Framework

Provision of Project Management and Civil & Structural Engineering services since August 2022.

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