Wilde is delighted to have supported Warrington Council and their Principal Contractor Amalgamated Construction Ltd. (AMCO) in the design and construction of Marsh House Lane Bascule Bridge, near Fiddler’s Ferry in Warrington.
Warrington awarded the design and build of the £0.7m contract to AMCO in 2015 and Wilde Consultants Ltd was appointed by AMCO to undertake the design of the substructure elements of the new bridge. Works commenced in January 2016 and were substantially completed in August.
The new moveable single-leaf bascule steel bridge provides access to the Riverside Trading Estate over the disused St. Helens Canal and replaced a temporary weight-restricted steel bridge. Wilde Consultants undertook design work to modify the existing bridge abutments and foundations to accommodate the new bascule bridge deck.
The bridge abutments were designed and constructed in close proximity to an operational railway with an adjacent level crossing. This required continual liaison with Network Rail to satisfy their requirements and avoid affecting train movements and maintaining construction activities.